Fukushima Prefecture Hope Tourism General Guidebook

Every day during the tour, there will be a time for reflection after dinner, and on the final day, a workshop will be held to deepen the learning through “observing” and “listening” and to produce outputs. In this workshop, discussions will be held based on the perspective that the various social issues (population decline, ageing society, decay of local areas, energy problems, etc.) that have been revealed by the earthquake and nuclear disaster are not “problems for Fukushima alone” but rather “problems that need to be faced and solved by Japanese society and all areas”.10Before the tour begins, a pre-learning session is held to provide basic information about the earthquake and nuclear disaster (e.g. overview of Fukushima Prefecture, damage situation, progress of the recovery efforts, etc.). Furthermore, a lecture on the characteristics of learning in Hope Tourism and the perspective of understanding things from different angles will be given to raise awareness of learning. (Online pre-learning is also available) Each day after dinner, there is a reflection session to share questions, insights and organise information. This helps to ensure a smooth preparation for the final day’s workshop. Even among fellow participants, there will be differences in the way they feel and think, and the more they talk to each other, the more they will be able to broaden their perspectives. On the final day, a wrap-up workshop is held. Based on what they have learned during the tour, each participant “personalises” the kind of future they want to create as the leaders of the next generation. Pre-learningDaily ReflectionWorkshopFlow of Learning

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