Fukushima Prefecture Hope Tourism General Guidebook

※Partially through the Difficult-to-return Zone●(Residents) NPO “Tomioka-machi 3.11-wo-kataru-kai” (Tomioka Town ●Fieldwork●Tour of the MemorialT21ObservingObserve actual townscapes in and out the Difficult-to-return Zone from inside a vehicleGetting an overall picture of the earthquake and nuclear disaster andrevitalization effort through the museum’s general training programmeObservingdialogueandIn addition to seeing landscapes of untouched buildings in areas where evacuation orders designated as the Difficult-to-return Zone have been lifted, there are areas where decontamination and demolition work is progressing and one can feel the spirit of rebuilding in the local communities. PreliminarylearningMuseum(Namie Town coastal area→ Ohirayama Cemetery → Futaba Station area)※Rotation upon splitting into 2-3 classesStorytellers of 3.11)26Day1National Route 6※ Transit The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial MuseumGunma Pref.Niigata Pref.Standard Course

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