61434※Rotation upon splitting into 2-3 classes2・3642: ObservingDialogueTEPCO employees2: FieldworkEatingDialogueandDialogue and workshops in a relaxed spaceThinking [Disaster Prevention and Disaster Reduction]Workshop using “Sasukenable”, the educational tool for simulating evacuation shelter management TransitThis programme is based on the basic concept of Hope Tourism (observe, listen and think) and can also be adapted to educational trips on the scale of a grade-level field trips. Starting from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Disaster Memorial Museum, which was opened in September 2020, participants will learn an overview of the earthquake and nuclear disaster, as well as basic knowledge, etc. about the current situation and issues of revitalization. The trip can be then tailored to suit specific objectives, such as field studies (local development, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, medical care and welfare, nuclear disaster and decommissioning, energy, environmental recovery, education, new industries, etc.) or elective courses in each region. TEPCO employees will provide an overview of the accident at TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and explain the decommissioning process first hand, as well as hold an open Q&A session (opinions exchange).Equipped with a large conference room and a large 500-seat hall, this facility can accommodate dialogue sessions and workshops for relatively large groups. The surrounding area is dotted with learning locations, such as the Historical Archive Museum of Tomioka and Yonomori. Dialogue with people courageously working for revitalization[Nuclear Power Station Decommissioning] 27Difficult-to-Return Zone [Various fields]The Great East Japan Earthquake andNuclear Disaster Memorial MuseumFutaba Business Incubation andCommunity Center / Fieldwork TOMIOKA TOWN ART & MEDIA CENTERFutaba Business Incubation and Community CenterTOMIOKA TOWN ART & MEDIA CENTERYamagata Pref.ochigi Pref.Ibaraki Pref.
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