Fukushima Prefecture Hope Tourism General Guidebook

Experiencing the true picture by touring facilities and conducting fieldwork“Dialogue” with the people courageously working for revitalization Areas have begun to make steady progress towards revitalization, and new initiatives for a sustainable future have been launched. On the other hand, some townscapes demonstrate the effects of long-term evacuation orders, while other areas continue to be evacuated. Such “light and shadow”, which cannot be conveyed by news reports alone, represents the “Now” of Fukushima. In the midst of unprecedented hardships caused by the earthquake, tsunami, nuclear disaster and harmful rumours, there are many people in Fukushima who are courageously working for revitalization. Dialogue with these people can provide much inspiration and insight. topics including the kind of future they want to build, from the perspective that the various social issues (population decline, ageing society, decay of local areas, energy problems, etc.) that have been revealed by the earthquake and nuclear disaster are not “problems of Fukushima alone” but rather “problems that need to be faced and solved by Japanese society and all areas”.How to utilize lessons from the earthquake and nuclear disaster for the future (society, community, lifestyle, oneself)In the wrap-up workshop, participants discuss various 07Three Characteristics of Hope TourismObservingListeningThinking

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